Thai Company Set Up, Legal & Accounting Services.
First time clients will find that Bangkok Legal Lawyers provide reliable and specific attention to each of their legal concerns.
Many of our clients have been with the firm for many years, due to the high quality of legal advise and timeliness of services provided. We have worked hard to position ourselves as the premier law firm in Thailand.
Bangkok Legal – Thailand Legal, Business & Corporate Services.
Bangkok Legal is distinctive for its approach to its clients needs. The senior lawyers, are acutely aware that the competitive demands on its clients, locally, nationally and internationally, have become more complex; accordingly, they have tailored the law firms services in order to be more flexible, anticipating and responding to the rapidly changing worldwide business environment in Thailand.
Our Bangkok lawyers & business consultants understand our clients’ business in Thailand.
They draw upon their collective industry and legal experience to find solutions to even the most complex of problems. Bangkok Legal and business professionals do not simply act as a clients counsel and advocate, they create financial and business opportunities for our clients.
Our team combine their experience, insight and energy to build partnerships, design deals that work for our clients and resolve conflicts.

Prof. Sonia Wandari S.pd SE MM
Rektor GP University
Pencapaian Universitas Terbuka Lorem Lipsum Tahun Ajaran 2022 – 2023.
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